Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Butterflies didn't make it...

 As hard as I tried to intervene, the lizards got to my babies before I could stop them. *sigh* Such is the circle of life, I guess. But since then, I've had some very interesting mushrooms popping up in unexpected places. I doubt there's a connection, but I've never seen so many varieties in my yard before. At least it takes my mind off my lack of butterflies.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Autumn Equinox: change and growth

According to textile artist Linda Matthews "equinoxes are points in space and time representing a time of balance and intense change, and are symbolically observed as a time of rebirth so Autumn brings with it a time for reflection and taking stock of things; a time to slow down and rest a little after the busyness of Summer; a time to pause and give thanks for what's been; and a time to look at where we've been and where we're going and to realign ourselves with our vision for our future." So, as Linda says, if you are feeling a little unsettled lately, this is probably why.

I'm hoping my restlessness will pass in a few days, as the Earth continues to tilt away from the sun (well, it really doesn't do that but I don't have room for an astronomy lesson here) and I spend less time outdoors. I plan to take some time now to put my many projects aside and do some major cleaning, purging and reorganizing. Then perhaps commit myself to FINISHING my unfinished projects in determined increments of time (a day? a week?) Then I hope to be in a position to do productive art, learn some new techniques, give myself more time and space to play and create.

Please take a moment to get lost in Linda Matthews' site: Her art and ideas and attitude are inspiring, no matter what your medium.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Sew What???

This was my first week of teaching adult sewing classes at Hancock Fabrics. What an eclectic and enthusiastic group! They were all so focused and intent on learning!

I find it hard to believe there are those who never learned to sew. It’s such a useful craft! I was blessed to have a competent Home Economics teacher, a loving, talented, patient and encouraging mother, and a skilled and “critical” grandmother whose voice I still hear telling me to “press open those seams.” I guess I just figured all women are raised in this manner, just as I assumed all men were taught how to use tools and build things. But I was wrong on both genders, and now I have found a niche: teaching sewing to those who have not yet learned.

It’s never too late . . . watch out, Project Runway!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

I thought I was seeing things….

…but it was a real chrysalis! And not just one….I have THREE of them clinging to my flower pots!

I planted my butterfly garden early this Spring, and had 2 amazing caterpillars move in, only to be exterminated by a curly-tailed lizard (which I have since succeeded in scaring away with my impression of crazy woman screaming and chasing a curly-tailed lizard.)

I had pretty much given up on this garden attracting anything more than lizards and bees, so today I weeded it, uprooted gangly plants, mulched and watered, replaced the potted plants…and then I spied it, attached to the underside of the pot rim! I thought it was one of my wayward embellishments I use on my fiber art projects. It was so beautiful! Bright green, tiny shiny gold dots around the top…and then I found another! And another!! The photo doesn’t do it justice, but I can actually see the outline of it's precious little wings.

I am ridiculously excited about this. Mr. Lizard better not show his scaly face, I am in protective-mother mode until these babies hatch!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Three Little Words That Made My Day

After teaching the first class in my Fall “Sewing For Beginners” series today, I asked one of my young students “Did you like it?” to which she replied emphatically “I loved it!” Music to my ears!!

It makes me feel so good to be able to teach sewing to those who have not yet learned this viable art! It’s easy for me to project my enthusiasm, which seems to be contagious, because I, too, love it. I could easily be in my studio “24/7” if not for the need to eat and sleep!

Honestly, how could the artist not love sewing? The tactile sensations of fabric, the colors, the challenges, the creativity, the meditative hum of the machine, the complete focus on a project that makes the rest of the day disappear, the thrill of making something that until then did not exist. Sewing is art, and I hope to share it with as many people as I can possibly fit into my schedule, for the rest of my life!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Happy Dance!

My dolls are dancing because WE FINISHED MOVING DAD!!! He is all comfy and cozy in his new condo, surrounded by plenty of boxes to keep him busy for a while. SO NICE to know he now lives closer to all of us. WHEW! It was a lot of work, but now we can enjoy the rest of the holiday weekend, and for me that means back to art! I'm doing my happy dance!!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Labor Day Weekend . . . let the laboring begin!

I hope to relax a bit during the upcoming 3-day holiday (that is, after moving my Dad into his new condo which should take a big chunk of it, but that’s okay!) I have a LOT of things going on in September:
• Sewing Classes for kids and adults at Hancock Fabrics
• Silk Painting Workshops at the Courtyard Studio in Eau Gallie
• Starting and finishing a chair to donate to the annual “Art Studio Stools” fundraising event for the Brevard Art Educators Association
• Tagging a gazillion pieces of once-useful stuff and having a Yard Sale of epic proportions
…and somehow also taking care of my family and myself. Yikes!

My mantra of the month: “Relax, it will all get done.”