Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Autumn Equinox: change and growth

According to textile artist Linda Matthews "equinoxes are points in space and time representing a time of balance and intense change, and are symbolically observed as a time of rebirth so Autumn brings with it a time for reflection and taking stock of things; a time to slow down and rest a little after the busyness of Summer; a time to pause and give thanks for what's been; and a time to look at where we've been and where we're going and to realign ourselves with our vision for our future." So, as Linda says, if you are feeling a little unsettled lately, this is probably why.

I'm hoping my restlessness will pass in a few days, as the Earth continues to tilt away from the sun (well, it really doesn't do that but I don't have room for an astronomy lesson here) and I spend less time outdoors. I plan to take some time now to put my many projects aside and do some major cleaning, purging and reorganizing. Then perhaps commit myself to FINISHING my unfinished projects in determined increments of time (a day? a week?) Then I hope to be in a position to do productive art, learn some new techniques, give myself more time and space to play and create.

Please take a moment to get lost in Linda Matthews' site: Her art and ideas and attitude are inspiring, no matter what your medium.

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